
Friday, November 27, 2009

Obituary for Uncle Dawood Ngwane

Obituary for Uncle Dawood Ngwane

Dawood NgwaneUncle - Baba - Attorney: DAWOOD NGWANE
Born: Gabriel David Ngwane on the 30th March 1930
Died: 17 September 2009
28 Ramadaan 1430 AH

Trustee and Past Amir of IPCI & Chairman of African Muslim League. Passed away on the 17th of September 2009. From Youth he played a major role in the Catholic Church. Chairman of Family Life Committee of Marian Hill Ministry.

His Journey to Islam

When his son left home he was clearing up and came across the book, Cruci-fiction or Cruci-Fixion by Ahmed Deedat (Rahimullah) and went to challenge Ahmed on the Concept of Trinity NOT Being in the Bible. After meeting with Mr Ahmed Deedat he went right up to his Archbishop who could not convince him and told him just to believe in Trinity. After much Research, he embraced Islam and invited all his children to embrace Islam.

Baba Ngawane believed in continuous learning and started work as a labourer and also loaded trucks with goods. He completed his matric in his 30's, thereafter BA, then masters in law, whilst in his 50's qualified as an Attorney and opened his practice. He never stopped Dawah. On Tuesday the 15th of September came out of Hospital and called the IPCI for a quotation on a revised edition of his book, which was delivered to him on the 16th of September. He addressed many gatherings at Universities, conducted public lectures in various town and cities in South Africa.

Author of both Zulu and English versions of Ubhaqa (the instrument of Light) through his writings many became Muslims. Never afraid to do Dawah, he met with King Goodwill Zweletini on several occasions and invited him to Islam. He also met with Zweli Mkhize, Premier of Kwazulu Natal recently. He fully practiced Islam, picked up neighbours at Fajr time to join him. He was unique, he lived Islam fully to the end.

He also went for Hajj at the invitation of RABITA. He was a simple, humble and caring person and was a Khalifat ul Ard (representative of Allah on Earth).

The Muslim Community of South Africa will dearly miss him.


Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon (To Allah we belong and To Him we will return)

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