"Which Group is the Right Group?" - by Yusuf Estes
Fourth Edition - October 15, 2005
Seems like these days the Muslims now come in "All Flavors." There are so many different names of so many groups in the world today. But which are the "true Muslims?"
The groups carry names like:
Sunnies, Salafies, Shi'ites, Ahmadiyah, Kadianis Sufis, Nation of Islam, Hanafi, Shafi, Wahabi, Moorish Science, Five Percenters, Aghakhanis, Ansar Allah, Modernists, Reformed Muslims - etc.
So many sects and groups - all claim to be the "saved sect of Islam"
- But which one is the real Islam?
- How do we know for sure?
Good Questions!
NOTE: With all respect to those who ascribe themselves to various groups in Islam, this article is dedicated to solving serious issues effecting Muslims world wide. The conclusion is that anyone who can say, "I believe there is only one God, Allah and Muhammad is His messenger and servant" is in fact, a Muslim. It is only when they insist on adding an adjective to describe their particular "type" of Islam that the problems begin to surface. Please read on with this thought in mind - Allah says; ""It is He (Allah) who has named you MUSLIMS.." [22:78]
Read more on the subject here.
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